Category Archives: Sweden

Afternoon on Fjäderholmarna

I hadn’t realised that Stockholm is at the northern end of an archipelago of some 20,000 islands until a week or so before I was due to visit. The archipelago is a popular summertime destination  for both locals and tourists, and an island visit quickly moved onto my “to do” list. Fjäderholmarna is a small group of islands just 20 minutes by ferry from the centre of Stockholm, well served by ferries, and ideal for the time-challenged visitor to make a quick journey out among the islands. My work colleague and I hopped on an early Saturday afternoon ferry on a glorious June day, intending to have lunch over on Fjäderholmarna followed by a bit of a roam about.  Once there I discovered the whole island can be walked around in 20-30 minutes, but packs in a lot of interest. Continue reading

Stockholm at Night

I’ve been promising a few people that I would get around to posting some photos I took of Stockholm at night, or what passes for night a week before the summer solstice.  I’m jumping out of chronological sequence of my travels, so there will be a little bit of back tracking in later posts.

I rather like taking waterside twilight/night photos, and having discovered just before I left Australia that Stockholm is essentially at the top end of an archipelago of some 20,000 islands, I decided to pack my tripod just for the stop in Stockholm. The prolonged evenings at high latitudes was also something not previously experienced, and would be a novelty in itself.

By mid-June, proper late twilight only really gets going after 11pm.  This created a bit of a challenge in itself, as by that stage of the evening a mix of residual jet lag combined with general travel weariness was starting to take its toll.

Anyway, I was happy that the effort was made, and  I hope you will agree that the outcomes weren’t too shabby.

Stockholm in the evening light

Stockholm in the evening light

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